How do I get the results from my tests?
Generally, we encourage you to follow-up with the ordering provider for your results. This allows them to make interpretations specific to the reason(s) for performing the tests and provide further instructions for continuing or changing medicines, change in follow-up care or needs for additional testing.
You do, however, have access to your results at any time by requesting your records. You can click the link above under “Patients & Visitors” to find the Medical Records Request form. Follow the directions to submit the request or drop off your request at the Medical Records Department Monday -Friday, 8:00AM-4:30PM. Allow a full day for routine tests and a week for special testing, pathology, and cultures.
Also, you can sign up to access the Patient Portal on-line through a secure web site by signing an enrollment form which is offered to you when you register at admitting. Allow three business days for the enrollment form.