
For more information please contact the Imaging Department:

(360) 327-8090
Fax: (360) 374-6084

Monday-Saturday 8AM-5PM By appointment only

Diagnostic ultrasound (also called sonography) uses safe, high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the body’s internal organs. Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, they can also show movement of the body’s internal organs as well as blood flowing through the blood vessels.

We provide Ultrasound Imaging on –

Abdominal and Renal








How do I prepare for an Ultrasound?

  • Depending on the exam ordered by your provider you may need to be fasting and/or need to drink water up to two hours before your scan (Abdominal/Renal). You also may be asked to arrive with a full bladder (Pelvic/OB). The radiology department will provide you with these instructions.
  • The ultrasound probe requires a warm gel be applied to your skin over the area of concern. This eliminates any interference with the sound waves between the probe and you.
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