10 Mar CenteringPregnancy – A new approach to prenatal care.
Bogachiel Clinic and Dr. Rebecca Pfaff are happy to introduce an
ADDITIONAL option and approach to prenatal care. CenteringPregnancy® allows
you and a companion or companions of your choosing to attend prenatal visits that are in a
comfortable setting. These appointments provide the time to ask a provider all of your questions, learn
more about your health, and share with others who are having similar experiences.
CenteringPregnancy was developed by providers who felt they were unable to spend quality time with their patients in prenatal appointments. Traditional care normally allows for 2 to 4 hours total of face to face time with your provider over the course of a your entire pregnancy The 90 minute to 2-hour time block of each Centering appointment helps to address this issue. Despite the group setting, patients find they get to know their provider better as Centering allows them to spend so much more time together when compared to the traditional prenatal care appointments. In Centering, you are provided with
both private times to talk with your provider and ask personal questions, as well as group times that are fun and informative. Over the course of your pregnancy you will spend 20 hours face-to-face with your provider, allowing for relaxed conversation and an opportunity to really feel heard and understood.
Email Angelical@forkshospital.org and to see if Centering is the right
prenatal care for you. Call 360-374-6998 to join in the next class on 03/24/2022. You can join in at any time.